The Justice Card XI represents Libra in the major secrets of the Tarot. On a Macro level, Libra Season brought with it a sobering reality.
Truth, Equity and right-relationship were at the forefront of our collective consciousness as we witnessed some folks take accountability for their actions with grace and humility, while others clung on tight to their right to remain silent. Due process was carried out. Cross examinations and evidence based testimony delivered by some, but not all parties.
It stings to accept that the onus of proof is on the prosecution; the defence does not have to prove that the defendant is innocent, and that character assassination of the plaintiff seems to be accepted as a default measure of mitigation.
I’m reminded of a quote from Nigella Lawson from years ago, in response to a similar inquisition when testifying;
“If you want to put me on trial, put me on trial.”
As Scorpio Season begins and we wait with bated breath for the truth to be revealed, we can find some comfort in the idea that Scorpio is not afraid to plunge the depths and dredge up everything that has perhaps been submerged, buried or covered up. An eclipse in this sign will no doubt pull the proverbial plug on the power.
Cross examination of the witness can be agonising to watch for survivors of violence. If you have been triggered by the unfolding events of the last bit of time, I offer you my unwavering support.
Yvon Raphael, Pancetta Love and I as the SAD GIRLS, 2019
On a Micro level, I’ve had an extraordinary time. I’ve revelled in the opportunity to reconnect with friends and tend to relationships that are very dear to me.
I’ve also welcomed in a tidal wave of new clients. Moment after moment, I’ve marvelled at the magic of Astrology, and am exceedingly grateful for the harmonious connections that have shown up in my life.
The Scorpio Eclipse is hours away. Tell your sisters just how much you truly, madly, deeply love them.
Tell them you support them. Tell them you believe them.