I’m writing today with a heavy heart. I wish to express my deepest sympathy to those who are suffering after the tragedy of recent events. If you wish to assist the communities directly affected, you can donate here:
This was a safe space. The bartenders, performers, Go-go dancers and Queens are the folks teaching our young ones that it is okay to be yourself. They teach them how to celebrate. They teach them that we are all beautiful, just as we are.
These spaces provide respite from the often intolerant world outside. This was desecration of a sacred site. This was an act of incited violence.
The emotions are rising and crashing in great boiling waves. Pain, sorrow, fear and rage. There is also the dull throb of morbid déjà vu. We have seen this, felt this all before.
Sagittarius is TEMPERANCE XIV
As we enter Sagittarius Season, we can be aided by the energy of TEMPERANCE as we come together to voice our conviction.
“Temperance is the equilibrium not of the balance of Libra, but of the impetus of the arrow, Sagittarius, which cleaves its way through the air by force imparted to it by the taught string of the bow.
It requires the counterchanged forces of Fire and Water, held by the restraining power of Saturn, and concentrated by the energies of Mars to initiate this impetus.” -Harriet Felkin
TEMPERANCE does not ask us to mute the fire of our passionate rage. This is not a time to love-and-light the pain away.
I am disgusted by the moral posturing of feeble men in navy suits and primary-coloured ties, as they debate over the basic human rights of marginalised communities. I am fed up with their hateful sermon.
To them, discrimination and prejudice are chips to play in order to win the majority of a polarised society, but we must not pass this off as mere conservative rhetoric. We must not change the channel or bury our heads.
This is incitement of violence. This is dangerous language that we must consistently and vocally condemn.
We have power in voice, and in action. This is the basic principle of magic itself.
At this New Moon, I wish for you to establish equilibrium between your rage and your empathy, as you cast a healing spell of change for yourself, and for all of us.