“Fresh and Pretty”

Starring Genevieve Giuffre

by He Cries Diamonds (Music by Richard Andrew, Lyrics by Agent Cleave)

Cinematography/Edit/Colour grade- Luuk de Kok Director/ Co Producer- Sytse Faber

Hair & Makeup- Lena Kopcynska Set Photography- Mischa van Schajik

Written and Produced by Genevieve Giuffre and Uma Kyle

Hello friends!

I’m sitting outside enjoying a snout-full of warm, sweet jasmine as I write this. Here in the Southern Hemisphere, the September Equinox has us welcoming Spring, and the blossoming possibilities of reconnection after the introspection of Winter. The archetypes of the Zodiac and the progression of the wheel through the signs have their roots in Ancient Egyptian, Greek and Mesopotamian Philosophy, written in tune with the seasonal cycles of the Northern Hemisphere. Right now, those in the North are preparing to roost as Autumn arrives. As the bees buzz by, I feel grateful for our backwards life down here in the South.

I’ve always looked forward to the transition between Virgo and Libra Season from this flipped perspective. A time when we rub our eyes, feel the sunshine on our skin and gently emerge from our hibernation if we wish. In the Major Arcana of the Tarot, Virgo is represented by The Hermit IX. The one who has extracted themselves from the social responsibilities of life to dive deeply inward on a lone meditation, synching their pace with the rhythms of nature in order to heal. Perfect for Winter.

I've been Hermiting for quite a while now (In fact, I’m now writing this to you from the bath because I've been procrastinating all day). The pace of life has really slowed down for me, after a very dark night of the soul some years back. I like this new tempo for the most part, and sometimes get anxious when I consider the frenetic rhythm of my life before. I get a feeling that I might not be the only one reluctant to dive back onto the mouse wheel.

The Hermit came to visit me last weekend as I read the charts of some lovely new clients. They showed up in the readings in shadow, and brought with them feelings of detachment, isolation and melancholy to explore. I understand how you feel if you’ve been reluctant to reenter the community while coping with anxiety. It’s okay if this distress is spurred on by the continual horrors that present themselves to us day by day. We're all doing the best we can to absorb this relentless stream of cruelty and injustice.

If you’ve been feeling like The Hermit lately no matter where you are on the planet, and whether it's showing up as grief or loneliness or fear, I’d like to gently offer the comfort that you are not alone. Use this time in solitude to go inward with kindness. Remember that after The Hermit has sat solemnly in their grief, they light their lantern and lead us to Libra; an opportunity to recalibrate and connect with those that care about you. The Spring time here in the South reminds me that it’s also a time for reparations, and for healing.

One of my favourite Virgo souls, my friend Gen and I made this work together a few years ago. When I was a singer in a band, before the world changed and I had to crash and burn to find who I was behind the persona. Gen and I have always shared a secret language. We wrote the visuals together from either side of the world and looking back, it is one of the artworks I’m proudest of. It reminds me of the Hermit cycle; the isolation, the grief, the release.

Libra season invites balance. It invites us to make amends and right the reciprocity of our relationships with others. On this road to reconciliation, remember to show up as the person you have become, and be proud of the work you’ve achieved on your journey with the Hermit.




BETTY WHITE: A memorial, written in the stars