There are two Tarot cards in the Major Arcana that can speak to the essence of Pisces.
The first is The Hanged One XII.
A lone figure is strung up by the ankle of one foot in what would appear to be a captive state. They seem to have passively accepted their circumstance, but if you look closer, they’re wreathed by a golden halo of light. You could call it enlightenment, or something similarly New Age, however when The Hanged One shows up for me, I simply hear the lyrics from one of my favourite Goldfrapp songs;
Everything becomes illuminated for the Hanged One through complete relinquishment of control. I imagine the leaves around them flickering like candle flames before their eyes. As the birds chirp and call, the Hanged One is finally able to translate the secret lyrics of Nature’s song.
From this altered perspective, they understand the subtlety of magic, and that the biggest illusion of them all might be the fixed version of reality that we humans consistently talk ourselves into, and feel trapped by.
I used to think dissolution and disillusion were the same word. There is a distinct difference in definition, however Pisces dissolves and reveals all at the same time.
The other card that speaks to Pisces is The Moon XVIII.
This card encourages our primal instincts. Our most hidden emotions are beckoned to the surface by the surging power of Lunar. What emerges may not be pretty, but it is always beautiful. The tamed can become wild once more. Flip the card, and take a look at The Moon from The Hanged One’s perspective once in a while.
I’m writing this as part of my own Pisces New Moon ritual. This lunation will form an exact conjunction with my Rising Sign placement at 1° of Pisces.
In the Minor Arcana, The 8 of Cups speaks to this decan of the Zodiac, and illustrates the energy of Saturn in Pisces, who will be making entry on the 8th of March. I can’t help but feel that this moment holds extra special significance for me as I continue on my Soul’s journey.
The week just gone was powerful, beautiful, and brutal.
The readings in my old home town were a roaring success. Sincere connections were galvanized. As much as I take comfort in finding the patterns in life to create meaning, this was also the week that I was bluntly reminded that tragedy is nonsensical.
There is no pattern to find there. Sometimes there is only grief. The shock of loss makes us feel that we are suspended in motion. At these times, we can free ourselves by letting our wild animal loose. We can free ourselves by howling at the Moon.
Uma’s YEAR AHEAD 2023
I have drawn myself a card for each of the 12 New Moons of 2023, starting with Pisces tonight.
Some of it looks like I’d much rather not, (I’m looking at you, 3 of Swords. My Venus placement is in Sagittarius in my 10th House. Must we? Really? Again?) but I trust these cards.
I can see the pathway emerging before me, however dim the lighting might be. I am able to trust my instincts as I begin this journey of retrieval with the 8 of Cups as my guide.
I am going to write love letters to all of the angels that have touched my life up to this point. I won't send them all, healthy boundaries keep us from harm, but I will write them. No fear.
I am going to summon my new reality, one where I am awake.
and wild
and free.
Pisces Season of 2023 instigates the Sea Change we’ve been waiting for. The journey starts now.