Three. Two. One. Happy New Year!
We welcome the dawning of Aries Season tonight, and a brand New Moon along with it. Enjoy the sense of completion, or closure, if you need it. Aries is the 1st sign of the Zodiac. The great instigator, the key in the ignition. Tonight we’ve found ourselves a brand new box of matches, and we’re ready to strike. The seasons shift today and invite us to start a fresh page, to plan our next steps with confidence, secure in the knowledge that we’re doing the right thing.
In the Tarot, the Major Secret that speaks to Aries is The Emperor IV. You might see visions of Empirical colonialism, or Patriarchal dominance when looking at this card, and some of us may recoil in the presence of this kind of authority. But the Tarot always asks us to look a little deeper inside of ourselves. When we do, we recognise that every single archetype of the Tarot resides within each and every one of us. The entire Major Arcana, like the Zodiac itself, fits neatly inside of our collective subconscious.
I’d like for you to recognise yourself in The Emperor. We find autonomy when we reclaim our sovereignty. Our individual speck of stardust amidst the collective galactic core is just as bright, just as noble, and just as important as everybody else's. No more, no less. The Aries New Moon asks you to stand proud in your identity. It asks you to have the confidence of your convictions as you boldly state, with honesty and with might,
“I am.”
This lunation hits the most fertile point of the Zodiac, coming into exactitude at 0° of Aries, the very first point of our 360° cosmic journey. The Tarot card that speaks to this Decan is the Two of Wands. A magical portal is opening, can you feel it?
I’ve been rereading “Even Cowgirls Get the Blues” by Tom Robbins again, for the 33rd time or so, and this time with a direct intention to incite the power of this Aries New Moon. I’ve been struck by this passage since I was 17, it comes after the brave warrior Delores Del Ruby returns from her third peyote vision with a message from Niwetükame, the Mother Goddess. She addresses the Cowgirls;
“The enemy of the black is not the white. The enemy of capitalist is not communist, the enemy of homosexual is not heterosexual, the enemy of Jew is not Arab, the enemy of youth is not the old, the enemy of hip is not redneck, the enemy of Chicano is not gringo and the enemy of women is not men. We all have the same enemy.
The enemy is the tyranny of the dull mind.
The enemy is every expert who practices technocratic manipulation, the enemy is every proponent of standardization and the enemy is every victim who is so dull and lazy and weak as to allow themselves to be manipulated and standardized.”
You can tune a guitar, but you can’t tuna fish.
Oh, but it’s great to be a Cowgirl.
We need this bravery, now more than ever. I’ve felt the pull of Saturn in Pisces, and I’ve also felt my resistance as I wiggle like a slippery fish, trying to avoid setting the boundaries I need to attain my objective. But the decision has been made, I am going to work with this Moon with my cap proudly on my head, not in my hand.
A day after this fertile chance for conception, our dark friend Pluto makes their first ingress into Aquarius on the 23rd of March. We’ll wait with bated breath to see how this impending power surge to the people may show up.
The kind and the gentle will not be subjugated by domineering, aggressive cowards any longer. We are responsible for what we take from the earth, and what we give back. We will adapt, and together we will build ourselves a future that is sturdy, regenerative and fair for all.
It all starts tonight, with this Aries New Moon. Let’s pool our collective spiritual resources and build that bright rainbow bridge from Spirit to Matter, chanting the Esoteric Aries Soul Mantra as we rise together;
“I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule.”
Cowgrrrl Pride my friends. I recommend you listen to some KD Lang with me tonight.