I bet you’re sick of me talking about Mars in Gemini right? Well, I’m nearly finished.
But first, let’s talk about The Tower XVI.
THE TOWER XVI blasted by the aggression of MARS
A bolt of directed power takes aim at an austere and domineering structure, revealing the weakness of unstable foundations. In some depictions, the cause of this destruction points to the violence of Mars. Over the next two months we’ll be rehashing all of the pent up Mars Retrograde drama that we’ve been trying to stifle since October 31st of last year.
The Tower XVI shows up when we realise that the protective barriers we’ve built up around ourselves have created a dungeon. Claustrophobia can spur on wild trashing fits to escape, but any bird will tell you that flapping just makes the fishing net tighter.
When Mars finally leaves Gemini on March 25th 2023, the lightning will have struck, the coast will be clear, and we can finally emerge from the rubble. We’ll assess the damage created over the last 7 months and make the appropriate reparations. Check your chart for Gemini to find out where the rebuild can begin.
The good news is, after the rain comes the Sun, and after the Tower XVI comes The Star XVII.
Perfectly timed for Aquarius Season.
The Star is an outlier, an extraterrestrial sent to Planet Earth on a mission to soothe the ails of the human species, and transmit the intelligence needed to build a better, equitable future. In the Esoteric Philosophy, The Aquarian Soul Mantra goes;
“Water of life am I,
poured forth for thirsty humanity.”
When I look at The Star XVII, I can see this sentiment illustrated perfectly.
I know I bang on about her a lot but hey, a grrl can have their idols. When I think of Aquarius, I think of Chan Marshall, and how she came to find the name Cat Power for her music. She tells the story of seeing a trucker with a cap that read “Cat Diesel Power” and thought to herself “Cat Power means People Power.” Structures topple, but the sentiment remains the same.
The Sun enters Aquarius today, and we have a New Moon to wish upon on the 22nd of January. Take this time to zoom out, and expand your post-Tower problem solving strategies to include all of us. There is work to do friends, in preparation for another wave of revolution. This time, it’s Pluto's Ingress into Aquarius on March 23rd that will bring the change, 2 days before Mars leaves Gemini.
Pluto in Aquarius is power to the people. We have a few months before our first taste of what this might mean for our generation. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius, there was an American and a French Revolution. On my side of the planet, the most ancient example of human culture was subjected to brutal colonisation at the hands of the British Crown.
The culture of the Indigenous people of Australia was built on a profound oath to Country and to Spirit, and this oath was not destroyed completely, no matter how hard the colonists tried. The integrity of this oath has held fast through continued ignorance and insult. I see Pluto’s return to Aquarius as a clear signal that the time is now for reparation.
We all have a responsibility to enact this change.
Let’s consider the New Moon in Aquarius on the 22nd of January at 7:53am AEDT as a chance to bathe. It will be sunrise down here. Let your muscles relax and hit refresh on your nervous system, as we prepare for the coming revolution.