The hand over from Libra into Scorpio Season this year has jolted my body and my heart with such severity that I have become rather unwell, and I have failed to film your readings for the Scorpio New Moon, which landed for us all on Monday the 13th of November. I sincerely apologise.
Misunderstanding the presence of Mars next to the Sun and the Moon, I fought against a growing dread and persisted with setting the space, as I have done every two weeks for the past 20 months; candles, makeup, hair, lights, camera. I fumbled through Cancer Rising but fell in a heap straight after that and shut it all down, before rapidly slipping through a crack into the earth.
Sitting here covered in muck, I remember that Scorpio is a journey into the Underworld. The Asteroid Ceres is hanging out with Mars, the Sun and the Moon in Scorpio too, and she knows that downward journey all too well.
I had hoped to provide some sense of comfort, and describe the potential that awaits in the empty space that the Dragon's Tail has left behind. 20 months of eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio have enforced a shedding that feels nothing like graceful relinquishment, more like a violent throttle, with each eclipse prizing our fingers apart to forcibly release our grip.
I’ve pulled each of you a card to help describe how we might work with the aftershock of this New Moon’s intense energy, and to maybe picture what hope might look like as we move forward. It’s okay if that concept is hard to grasp right now. I understand, and I am so sorry if you are in pain. Please remember that Ceres will always come back to find you.
Dissociation happens when our emotional systems are overwhelmed to a critical point. Your journey to come to terms with grief has not been an easy one, and your search for relief may have led to some behaviours that you’ve come to regret. But don't be too hard on yourself – When we’re in pain, it’s natural to seek out ways to ease it. If we can learn from our mistakes, we can offer guidance to others when we see that they are suffering too. Your strong back has been protecting the folks you love for ages. It might be time to acknowledge your own vulnerability, and accept some of the support that you offer so freely to those around you.
Ceres tells us stories about nurturing. She describes how we provide safety and comfort to others, and that we are worthy of receiving that protection too. The memory of loss can sometimes have our bodies feel the pain from the past all over again. You are not weak or lagging behind if these memories overwhelm you from time to time. Gently as you go. At a New Moon, magical people make wishes. When you’re well enough, when you feel that your healing is in process and the storm has calmed, I’d like for you to imagine what bonding looks like in your future. Who do you love? And how do you show them?
Noble is the one who has the courage to meet with their own Devil. This compulsion that you’ve had to put tools down, step off the mouse wheel and take a deeper trip inside your own psyche has proven invaluable. You’ve done so well, and I understand it has been scary at times. The sincerity of your work will intensify now too, as you’ve proven to yourself that you have what it takes. If ever things get spooky again, remember that you are only ever required to negotiate with your own Devil, and no one else's. Wear what is yours, and take off that which is not. I’m really proud of you.
Now, get to work.
You’ve been so busy devoting all of your time, energy and mental capacity to the needs of others, that you’ve not noticed how small your voice has become. Showing up for those that need you is often far easier than expressing, or sometimes even knowing, what you need for yourself. You can strengthen your vocals by crying when you need to. You’re not required to put your feelings second, or third, any longer. Feel the grief, and cry. It’ll help your voice to get stronger again, and it will express to folks exactly what you need, even if the words are still a bit tricky to come by. They’ll come to you, in time. Take this moment, Cancer. Express yourself.
Cry cry cry.
I was listening to a wonderful conversation between Astrologers Chris Skidmore and Melanie Reinhart on the topic of the Chiron Mythology, and its links to the theory of intergenerational trauma. In it Reinhart says,
“Something that pains you, hugely, doesn’t necessarily originate in your biography. It may have filtered through from the biographies of your ancestors.”
It is our work to heal from this, but only after we have acknowledged it to be true. The Scorpio New Moon has invited you to pick up this conversation again when, and if, you are ready.
You’re going to find your village, I promise. It’s been 20 months of searching, and maybe running too. The coast is clear, darlin’. The Scorpio New Moon is speaking your language now, and it will help you to find the place where you feel safe enough to speak it too. Light a candle and let the glow of the fire guide your way home. One of my favourite tunes by Cat Power is called ‘Keep On Runnin’. She sings;
“When will you do what you say you'll do?
How could you really do it?
Will you keep on runnin'?
Baby, settle down.
Will you keep on runnin'?
You'll lose your heart.”
You’ve accepted the last 20 months with humility, and you’ve been incredibly resourceful whilst you’ve been unpicking your obligations to others. However, your worth as an individual is not in question Libra. At the Scorpio New Moon, Ceres and Mars formed a battalion and are leading the charge for you to take back what is rightfully yours. The question now, is what to do with it? How are you going to grow your wealth in a way that is of service to your core principles?
Justice. Equity. Right relationship. Love.
You’ve sacrificed a lot to get to where you are now, however the time has come for you to stop sacrificing yourself. Go it alone if you need to. Don’t be frightened.
This New Moon just passed was all for you, and so is this song. It’s called ‘Scorpio Rising’ by Death In Vegas, and it goes;
“While other snakes just shed their skins
Fucked holes pointing out my sins
Even though I realise
that history's not on my side
Even though I realise
the pioneer skin still curls up in my eyes
If I don't go crazy, I'll lose my mind
I saw a life before me but now I'm blind”
Snakes have to shed so they can grow. They secrete a milky lube to help wriggle out of their old skin, which for a time clouds their eyes. They’re blind in their moment of transformation, and have to rely on their instincts as they thrash about to freedom. It must be scary, but growth of any sort nearly always is. Congratulations babe, you are becoming more like yourself every day. If you lost your mind for a time, that’s okay too. I’m so proud of you.
Repetition isn't always tedious. Sometimes a rhythm emerges and we find ourselves in a trance-like state. It's up to you to decide if you need to snap out of it, or not. Fear can make us desperate, but trashing when underwater only makes us sink faster. Tap it out, find the beat, pick up the stitch. If you have found a quiet rhythm that sustains you, keep it going. Our attention is constantly under siege by systems that profit from the seconds we give them. Over the past 20 months, you may have discovered that zoning out softens the noise, and loosens the unconscious knots that have kept you bound. Sew, count, dance- whatever it takes to soothe your soul and keep you present in the body. Some folks dance for rain. Some folks dance for peace.
No one is going to forget about you Capricorn, however they might be super impressed at the progress you've made whilst you’ve been gone. The last two years have proven to you what really matters in life, and the ways that you engage with your community have adjusted accordingly. By finding the confidence to articulate the truth of your nature, you’ll notice which friendships stick and which ones have run their course. Some were built to last, while others will naturally fade away and that’s okay. As you become more comfortable in your own skin, you'll find that the right folks for you are more than happy to take you, as is. Embrace the freedom from the expectations of others, and pull up a chair. We’ve missed you, and we’re so glad that you’re here.
It takes bravery to pivot. When the grooves in the track feel worn in, to switch directions and go off road takes guts, and requires the right tools in order to forge the new trail. You’re not alone on this legacy quest though Aquarius, it’s a collaborative effort. You’ve got Ceres to thrash away the long grass with her sickle, and Mars to flatten out the path. There’s a community garden out my way named Ceres. It’s a beautiful example of what can be cultivated when folks work together. All of the private work you’ve been doing to irrigate your roots and nurse them back to health are skills worth sharing. Sometimes the new journey requires us to go backwards, before we can go forwards. You understand this deeply now. Congratulations, my sweet friend.
I believe you Pisces. When you tell me about what you see in your tea leaves, in your Tarot cards, in the colours that dance around the heads of folks you care about. There’s a special kind of magic shared in the lessons learned through storytelling. These messages are like prayers, and we all pray in times of crisis. It doesn’t really matter to whom, they say that all paths lead to God. It feels like you've been praying around the clock, and that's a lot of energy to hold on your own and all crouched over. It might be time to stand up and take a breath. Are there parts of your faith that you have outgrown? Are there vows that you have kept for long enough? What do you believe in now Pisces, and who can you tell?