Mx Kyle- 9 of Swords
My version of the Nine of Swords is a sort of self portrait. When I began this painting, I didn't know it was going to result in a Tarot card. I didn’t know of Mars in Gemini energy, nor the significance it holds for my Natal Moon placement. But here we are, and as confronting as this image might be I am now also able to recognise its beauty.
the swords are signified by the nine talons of Catwoman. Selina Kyle has been a part of my psyche since I first witnessed her on screen at eight years old. Over my life I have recognised parts of myself in her. At this current stage, I can now recognise parts of myself that have outgrown her.
Upright, the NINE OF SWORDS could be
“I would love to live with you in your castle forever, just like in a fairy tale. I just couldn't live with myself. So don't pretend this is a happy ending.”
Reversed, the NINE OF SWORDS could be
“I don't know about you Miss Kitty, but I feel so much yummier.”
If you are ever suffering from a difficulty with duality, I want to gently remind you that you will be okay.
I want to remind you that, in this very moment, you are okay.
And remember, they say that a cat has nine lives.