I’ve woken up from a protracted dream that seemed to take all night and all morning. My head was freshly shaved (an impulse I’ve resisted for some time now) and I seemed to have made a long journey to be with a lover from some years ago. Straining my eyes in a darkened room, I came to realise that I was already in their bed. Typical.
Their body had completely changed from the last time we were together. Their femininity, while always an obvious characteristic, had somehow taken overt precedence over their physicality. I learned this new shape with my hands, memorizing every new curve and pleasure point. We spent what seemed like years relearning our rhythm, finding the new configurations that would have us fit together once more. Like dogs in the dark we were guided by scent, lovingly searching for the key that would unlock the barrier and have our bodies become one again.
I woke up with a start, satisfied and exhausted. However, I was maybe a little bit frustrated that they had found their way back into my dreams again. Fumbling around for my daily schedule, I laughed out loud as I remembered that the red-hot passion of Mars had just entered the fiery and expressive sign of Leo, forming an exact opposition to Pluto, the planet of rebirth, at 0° of Aquarius, the sign that rules my 12th House of dreams and the unconscious.
Not only that, I had a Gemini Season post to publish today.
A lot of Tarot readers will tell you that when The Lovers VI card shows up in a reading, it will usually signify that a choice needs to be made. My Gemini Moon placement has had me searching for the reason why this is. Why are the significations of Gemini, the Sign of the Twins, sewn into the meaning of The Lovers? Gemini is Mutable Air, ruled by Mercury the planet of intellect. Talkative, questioning, impressionable, argumentative, hurried impulses of the mind. Surely the card of romantic coupling is much better suited to one of the Water Signs?
To figure this out, let's first look at the Glyph for Gemini and then, take a walk on the Esoteric side
Soul-Centred Astrology, by Alan Oken
Gemini refracts light and love from one point of polarity to the other. Looking at the Sign through this lens, any difficulty with duality becomes unified. It’s never smooth sailing when opening yourself up to love. When triggered, the over anxious Gemini mind will say all it can to try and save, or sabotage. At these times we are invited to “let instability do its work”*
In *Esoteric Astrology by Alice Bailey, each of the Zodiac Signs has an additional tier of Soul rulership. If Gemini looks to Mercury for guidance on a personality level, the planet Venus is their guiding light in matters of the Spirit.
“Venus seeks to unite and blend, merge and harmonize all of the dualities of life.”
-Alan Oken, Soul-Centered Astrology
Gemini, like the Lovers VI, like a pair of Soulmates, reflects the beauty of the other’s Spirit back to themselves. I’m reminded of some beautiful lyrics from ‘The Origin Of Love’ by Stephen Trask and John Cameron Mitchell from a little slice of modern poetry called Hedwig and the Angry Inch;
“Last time I saw you
We had just split in two
You were looking at me
I was looking at you
You had a way so familiar
But I could not recognize
Cause you had blood on your face
I had blood in my eyes
But I could swear by your expression
That the pain down in your soul
Was the same as the one down in mine
That's the pain
That cuts a straight line
Down through the heart
We called it love
So we wrapped our arms around each other
Trying to shove ourselves back together
We were making love
Making love”
Relationships shift and they change. Nothing of physical matter lasts forever, however the Spirit goes on, and on, and on. Ephemerality is no reason to deny yourself the pleasure and the power of love.
Gemini Season starts today, the Sun will have entered the sign at 5:09pmAEST.