I'm ending 2022 right back where I began. Earlier this week, I paid a visit to the river that I used to live by. It holds so many precious memories for me and those I love. It’s the place where the brilliant Nicholas Walton Healy shot the photo series for my website, during the frenetic months I spent setting up my business.
This river is also where I experienced an intense ritual of healing, led by Julia Inglis of Sacred Familiar. If you ever get a chance to have a Swan Lore Session with Julia, take the leap. Julia guided me back to unconscious memories of a life that I had suppressed. In our minds, she led me down by the river, and she patiently allowed me to grieve my suffering. As she gently unraveled the shame and the fear that I had kept knotted in my spirit, she enabled me to remember, and activate, my magic.
As I sat by the banks of the river among the cedar trees during my visit this December, I reflected on the year that has been, and my Capricorn Sun beamed with pride. I have accomplished what I came to that river to achieve. I have kept my word. I have become a magic maker, in ways I always have been, but had forgotten for a time.
In the cedar trees by the river
Resilience, diligence and persistence are all impressive traits of the Capricorn character. In the Tarot, the Major Secret assigned to Capricorn is The Devil XV.
Sometimes our ambitions can become our single focus, or our habits keep us bound to a repetitive pattern of false relief. We mustn't be frightened of the Devil. They aren’t an external force out to enslave us.
This card shows up when we find that we’ve become a slave to our own rhythm. When we discover the areas of our life that have been overlooked because of our preoccupations, The Devil reminds us that we have ownership over this entrapment. We have the power to lift off the chains that bind us whenever we are ready.
I don’t live by the river anymore, but I am grateful I get to visit my friends Mark and Sandi, and my canine nieces Cookie and PupPup. Mark and I have been friends for 8 years now and over this time I have been lucky enough to witness the development of his life's work; The overwhelmingly magical event space Projekt 3488.
With patience and devotion Mark has built his garden from nothing, using the symbol of hope embodied by the green undergrowth after a bushfire as inspiration for his design. You can explore the magic it bears along a path of infinity created by the boardwalk.
I admire Mark’s work ethic, and how that relates to our long friendship. Resilient, diligent and persistent, surviving because of the attention invested in growth, and the ability to course correct if ever there is a fork in the road. Another infinity symbol, this time between a Cancer and a Capricorn.
How long is a piece of string?
We ticked another task off the to-do list during my visit too. We had an area of distance to measure, using a piece of string and a pipe. It’s not perfectly accurate, but it did the job. It got the ideas flowing for the next project, and was precious quality time, well spent together.
I was going to talk about Pluto and its Ingress into Aquarius in this post, but I reckon I'll save that intensity for next year. We have some major transits to contend with over the next 3 years, with a crescendo in 2026. There will be tension, cataclysm, uprising and relief, but don’t worry I’ll be with you every step of the way. We’ll celebrate the lunations every fortnight and encourage each other to prepare for the end of the current era, and the beginning of the new age.
For the remainder of this year, put your feet up and have a flippin’ glass of Prosecco or smoke a spliff or whatever, you’ve earned it.
2022 has been irrepressible. Let’s consider 2023 as the initiation.